SienYu Wong is a Chinese-Dutch Textile and Fashion designer, based in Rotterdam, Netherlands but with heart and mind all around the world. She grew up in a town called Utrecht, Netherlands. Growing up with chinese and western culture and traditions she combines best of both worlds. She loves to travel all over the world and get lot of inspiration of each country. SienYu is constantly surrounded by colours, textiles, history, nature and art. Creativity is in her mind and blood.
After 2 studies ‘Fashion design’ in AMFI (Amsterdam Fashion school) and Fashion Design & Prints Akademie Vogue in Amsterdam she has a focus on learning and practice on the textile and surface pattern design world for an extra year. Most focus was learning programs like Photoshop and Illustrator software. She loves to combine with hand craft and art work.

SienYu said in her inspiring words:

Patterns and colours influence the way I view the world. I have always seen patterns everywhere! I look for order in chaos and find emotion in the colours of daily life. The same with designing clothes. I love to learn and i’m curious about how things are created and how they function. My inspiration comes from diverse sources- visiting new places or colours reflecting in water. I love the challenge of focusing on different subjects. What’s important to me, is the structure and the shapes of the object I am focussing on.

– Follow the dream for what you believe in –

Main focus on work is: Interior surface pattern | Moodboard | Fashion Styling | Fashion Surface Pattern |Trend Forecast | Illustration | Fabric Innovation |Trend Concept| Fashion Design.